Validating inputs with Demyst Types


About this guide

This guide describes the various input types that Demyst accepts and sends forward to providers.

Required formats are as follows:

Data TypeDescriptionBase TypeExample
abn11-digit Australian Business NumberNumber11 223 344 556 or 1122344556
addressA full address with enough location identifiers to parse a valid address. With or without a country.String28 W 25th St. Floor 9 10010
blobBase64-encoded binary dataStringRGVteXN0
booleanTrue/False indicator. Generic, free-form typeBoolean or Stringtrue, False, y, N, 0, 1, ..
business_nameThe name of a companyStringDemyst Data Ltd.
cityThe name of a cityStringNew York City
countryMust be a 2-character or 3-character iso code.StringUS, AU, SG
date8-digit date with format CCYY-MM-DDISO 860112/31/16
date_of_birth8-digit (CCYY-MM-DD), 6-digit (CCYY-MM), or 4-digit (CCYY) date of birthISO 86012016-12-31, 2016-12, 2016
date_timeFull timestamp or 8-digit (CCYY-MM-DD) dateISO 86012016-12-31T06:21:40Z or 2016-12-31
domainAn internet domain
email_addressAn email
first_nameA first nameStringJohn
full_nameA full nameStringJohn Rupert Doe
genderA gender or abbreviationStringm, male, f, female
ip4IP address, version 4 (32-bit address). Must contain 4 octets between 0 and 255, and 3 periodsNumbers192.168.0.1
ip6IP address, version 6 (128-bit hexadecimal address). Must have 8 segments between 0 and FFFF, and 7 colonsString3ffe:1900:fe21:4545:0000:0000:0000:0000
last_nameA last nameStringSmith
latitudeA number between -90.0–90.0Number40.7
longitudeA number between -180.0–180.0Number-73.9
marital_statusA marital status or abbreviationStringm, married, s, single, ...
middle_nameA middle nameStringRupert
month_dayA day of a month.4-digits with format MM-DDISO 8601:200031-Dec
naics_codeA North American Industry Classification System code. 5 or 6-digit numeric industry codeNumber11100
numberPositive or negative number. Supports integral and decimal numbers of arbitrary size and precision. Generic, free-form typeNumber-42, 0.5, 2.0000057301
percentageA number between -100.0 and 100.0 (negative numbers would imply a percent difference)Number99%, 99
phoneCountry dependent. For the US: must be 10 numeric digits without leading "1" or 11 digits with, and the area code must be valid. Dashes stripped during validationNumber917-475-1881
post_codeIf US: 5 or 9-digit postal code, dash or no dash separating. Other countries need to be non-empty. Certain countries must be alphanumericString10001
post_code_extension4-digit (or less) postal code extensionNumber4863
sic_codeA Standard Industrial Classification code. 4-digit numerical industry codeNumber2024
stateIf US: it must be a valid 2-character state code or state name. Empty otherwiseNumberNY, New York
streetNon-empty. A street nameString100 Main St
stringA character string. Generic, free-form typeStringfoo
updated_atFull timestamp or 8-digit date for when the object was last updatedISO 86012016-12-31T06:21:40Z or 2016-12-31
urlA Uniform Resource Locator. Starts with http: or https:String
us_ein(Only US) An Employer Identification Number. Dashes and spaces stripped from input by the US and must be 9 numeric character stringNumber12-3456789
us_ssn(Only US) A Social Security Number. Dashes and spaces stripped from input by the US and must be 9 numeric character stringNumber078-05-1120
us_ssn4(Only US) The last four digits of a Social Security NumberString1120
vin17-digit alpha-numeric Vehicle Identification NumberString1Z2YX34567W890123
year_monthA particular month of the year. 6-digits with format CCYY-MMISO 86012019-01
yearA year. 4-digits with format CCYYISO 86012019